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Brian's Blog


I'm featured in Student Filmmaker Magazine!

Honored to be interviewed in this wonderful online magazine. Check it out here:

I'm a visiting Assistant Professor at RIT!

I'm excited to be joining the illustrious faculty at the School of Film and Animation in the College of Art and Design at the Rochester...

Interview on RochesterFirst

Check out what I had to say about the movie "Joker," and its use of violence.

Citylit fest

For those attending my talk, "The Art of Telling Lies Skillfully" at this year's CityLit Festival in Baltimore, I've posted a companion...

Words into picture: handout

For those of you who attended our panel at AWP19, but were unable to pick up a handout, you can find it on the Handouts page of this site....

Oscars Through the decades

I was honored to be asked to participate again in the wonderful History of Literature podcast. With the Academy Awards coming up, host...

Why We tell stories

Last week, I was honored to be the guest speaker at the Hazak Luncheon at Temple Bnai Israel in Bethesda. We had one of the largest...

The History of LiteraturE: Holiday Films

Check out my discussion with host Jacke Wilson as we debate holiday movies, what makes a good one, and how to go about writing one!...

Get Jingle With It

Recently, I was asked to appear on the Podcast, The History of Literature, to discuss holiday movies from a screenwriter's perspective....

Amazing Time at my first UFVA Conference

On July 22nd, I flew to Las Cruces, New Mexico for my first University Film and Video Association conference. The experience might have...

Lecture at Hollins University

It was great seeing UCLA friends and colleagues Tim Albaugh and Linda Vorhees at this picturesque college in beautiful Roanoke, Virginia....

Upshur Street books

What a charming little bookstore! A true independent, with a cheerful staff and a well-curated collection of books in an up-and-coming...

The Writer's Center

Every writer in the DC area knows that the premiere resource for writers is The Writer's Center in Bethesda, with their stellar events,...

The Last bookstore

We had a fantastic event at Los Angeles' Last Bookstore this weekend! The venue was absolutely amazing, a huge shrine to the written...


Thank you to the Rockville Memorial Friends of the Library! It was an honor being the featured speaker at their annual meeting. Now I'm...

Barnes & NOBLE at tyson's corner

Whew. I was a bit nervous going into the event, not sure who would show up, if anyone. But attendance exceeded my expectations. Old...

One Week to Go...

I am looking forward to discussing my book, screenwriting and story, and anything else that comes to week at the mall I grew...

Aristotle Goes to the Movies

I just had a wonderful conversation with host Jacke Wilson on his History of Literature Podcast! Check it out here:...

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